Summer School 2024
Summer school registration is now open. Please stop by the counseling office to fill out a registration form and your counselor will confirm you need it and sign you up. There will be three separate sessions, and you can recover 3 (.25) quarters of required credit during each session (except for Court Camp).
Session 1
July 8 - 18 (M-Th)
Times will be 8:30am-1:30pm. Location will be South HS or Edison HS
Breakfast and lunch is provided
Session 1
July 22 - August 1 (M-Th)
Times will be 8:30am-1:30pm. Location will be South HS or Edison HS.
Breakfast and lunch is provided
Court Camp
July 15-19 (M-F)
1 quarter of US Government or US History
Times will be roughly 9:00am-2:00pm. Location will be at the federal courthouse downtown (you’ll need to provide your own transportation)
Breakfast and lunch provided (catered and hosted by different law firms)
Mr. Scanlon will email you with more details
ESL Summer School- (Haz clic para la versión en español)
July 8th - August 1st
Only for students in ESL Level 1, contact counselor for more details!
Breakfast and lunch provided
Times will be 8:30am-1:30pm. Location will be South HS or Edison HS.